showreel 2024
Extract 1: Adobe Reimagine _ interview
Extract 2: Adobe Reimagine campaign _ Illustration and animation of the clouds, Illustration of the jellyfish
Extract 3: 2021 _ Direction, Illustration, animation
Extract 4 and 12: Le Noël des animaux _ Production Les Valseurs _ Direction, Design, scriptwriting, background, storyboard, compositing
Extract 5 and 10: Au Pays de L'aurore Boréale _ Production Folimage _ Direction, Design, scriptwriting, background, storyboard, compositing
Extract 6: MCSP _ Production Hypekick _ Design, storyboard, Animation
Extract 7: Aga Khan Barriers 2 _ Client Aga Khan foundation _ direction design, animation, storyboard, compositing
Extract 8: GIFs _ Design, animation Extract 9 and 11: Le Chant des orages trailer _ Production Sacrebleu _ direction, design, script with Claire Sichez, background design, compositing.